Isolta as a company

At Isolta, we want to help entrepreneurs focus on the essential and do more sustainable business.

We are a software company based in Finland. We currently serve over 30 000 companies in Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia and Germany.

Isolta’s culture

We at Isolta are all equal. All employees in Isolta, from trainee to executive, are given responsibilities that can be carried out freely. Our work relies on four pillars: FreedomResponsibilityCoaching and Vision.

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Our story

Today, Isolta is a service used by tens of thousands of customers, but our journey has seen all kinds of turns along the way. Our first offices were situated in a pipe storage space! Every company’s growth story is central to their business, and we are no exception. Here we share this story with you.

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Team Isolta

We have been working among entrepreneurs for over 15 years, and entrepreneurship is close to our heart. Our duty is to ask, listen, and help – to develop the service according to your wishes.

Contact details and invoicing address

Contact details

Postal and visiting address
Isolta Ltd
Keilaniementie 1

Phone and E-mail
+358 207 1817 10

Invoicing address

E-invoice address: 003718540478
Operator: Apix Messaging Oy
Operator code: 003723327487

Business codes and bank accounts

VAT number: FI18540478

Bank account:
Bank: Nordea
IBAN: FI63 1478 3000 7135 08

Contact us

Please contact us through this form. We will respond to your message as soon as possible